About Sandrow Consulting

We share our knowledge and experience leveraging telemedicine as a vehicle of change to help physicians rewrite their story to include more joy, more time, or choice, more freedom, and more family. 

Meet The Team

Dr. Cherisa Sandrow

Like many of our colleagues, I too am a Family Medicine physician, who struggled on the edge of clinical burnout.  Through the years of being overworked, under appreciated, and underpaid, I made the leap to virtual medicine over 8 years ago now. 

After nine years of practicing medicine as an employed physician, I pivoted out of the busy office-based practice that I loved and created a thriving independent telemedicine practice.

With the help of my husband’s entrepreneurial background, vision, and ability to create systems, we were able to double my income in half the time.  We took seven years to intentionally restructure our life to gain freedom.  For many physicians, during the years of COVID — they found themselves forced to restructure their lives too.  Only many were being asked to double their time and half their pay.

For each of us, the Pandemic meant something different.   While I struggled too, with the changes put on me — the pandemic opened several doors for me.   I took my lifelong passion for leadership, coaching, and training further, and I became certified as a John Maxwell Coach and Trainer.

 I am passionate about helping other physicians reconnect with what once inspired them.  Further, it’s my vision to see my fellow physicians redesign themselves in a way that allows them to become people of inspiration to their communities.  Many physicians I have the opportunity to speak with these days are frustrated, and looking for more in their lives, stuck figuring out their core values, and/or trying to rediscover their “why”.  

 I’m committed to helping them live life on their own designed "freedom". 

Dr. Alex Sandrow

In my previous medical life, I practiced as a conservative chiropractic sports medicine physician and owner of a multidisciplinary medical clinic. My practice was centered around the philosophy of “First move well, then move often”.
It remains a mantra I still live by today. 

Likewise, as it relates to living well, creating health, and warding off chronic disease, I’m deeply rooted in the “Food as Medicine” mindset found in functional nutrition and functional medicine. 

As for the mind, my focus is deeply rooted in “Consciousness brings Choice”.  The quality of our lives is correlated to our willingness to ask questions of ourselves or our willingness to have others ask of us. 

Having healed through my own immense burnout that commonly comes with practicing medicine these days, it has become my passion to help other physicians heal themselves, and to guide them on how to stop living a life of default and recreate a life they truly desire. 

As a profound innovator, I bring to this team decades of entrepreneurship with 8+ years of coaching and leadership development.  Combined with a deep passion and understanding of how we can nurture and biohack our minds, I strive to help our tribe by guiding them through their journey of going deep inside themselves to pull out the best of them for all the world to see.






Media Appearances

Guest Podcasts:

Create a Life with Freedom of Time, Place, and Means 
Physician NonClinical Careers Podcast with John Jurica 
Designing a Flexible Career to Fit Your Lifestyle with Dr. Cherisa Sandrow
The Life after Medicine Podcast with Chelsea Turgeon